Thursday, April 28, 2016

    Week 4- In the beginning of this week we found out that our first website failed. We were also getting the out line of the final project so we could start printing it. Two of the our team members started finding something else to use. By the end of the day we had a new website to use, but the next day that website would not let us on with the email and password we sent. We started a using a new site and had some difficulties with lagging but we got it ready to go. At the end of the week we stared with the blogging process.


       Week 2- We received a rubric and started our blog. Mr. Mahavong gave us some great ideas for our project. We started making final decisions about the project and went through the list of ideas we had from week one plus our new ones.

    Week 1- We started to brainstorm and got introduced/signed up to our helpful 3-D programs. We also went over videos about 3-D printing, and how you use it. We also learned about the process and the importance of it in the modern age. After that on the next two days we brained stormed ideas of what we could do.